INTERREG Euro-MED second call for proposals

The INTERREG Euro-MED second call for proposals is already open until 27th October 2022.
The call is targeted to thematic projects focused on the “Smarter and Greener Mediterranean” Programme priorities and their following specific objectives:
- Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies (S.O. 1.1)
- Promoting the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy (S.O. 2.6)”
- “Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system-based approaches (S.O. 2.4) ” and
- “Enhancing protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure including in urban areas and reducing all forms of pollution (S.O. 2.7)”.
You can propose STUDY, TEST and TRANSFER projects. “Study projects” perform analyses to better address a thematic issue and open the door to the development of new instruments, policies, strategies, and action plans, while “Test projects” experiment common instruments, policies, strategies and action plans already developed to validate concrete solutions to be transferred. Finally, “Transfer projects” optimise and share validated common instruments, policies, strategies and actions plans to have the stakeholders adopt them.
Deadline to submit your application: 27th October 2022 at 13:00 (Brussels time).
Find out more here